Deep Sense of Inner Contentment To be objective means we must see what role our personality plays. It is this objective consciousness that can perceive the state of liberation because it doesn't have any of the clinging attitudes or obscurations that block the perception. These factors are called factors of enlightenment not only because they will lead us to objectivity and liberation, but also because they are present in the state of liberation itself. We are joyful, We are kind, We are energetic, We are determined, We're clear, We're awake, We're completely absorbed in our experience, We're Peaceful! Wow! - Description: What you've described appears to be related to Buddhist teachings and the concept of objectivity, liberation, and the factors of enlightenment. In Buddhism, the state of liberation is often associated with the realization of ultimate truth and the release from suffering, known as Nirvana. The factors of enlightenment are qualities or mental
When “Questions” become the Path, “Answers” become the Destination. - Every person has a very different learning Style. I have always seen and understood life like a Stranger. "Proverbs" have always been Questions for me and have guided me. I have been living every part of Life and Myself as a Question, Due to Which today I have started getting a Deep and Transparent understanding of Life.