Unexpected Path My journey as a writer, born from my speechless State, undoubtedly brings a unique perspective and depth to my life Unbelievable Path Even today I remember how the experience of death filled me with a sense of bewilderment, speechlessness, and namelessness, and when I came out of that event, what a deep vocabulary I was gifted with – Amazing, Wow! "My speechless state made me a writer." My experience of speechlessness that inspired me to become a writer highlights the incredible ways in which adversity can foster creativity. In the absence of spoken words, I have found a deeper voice through writing, a medium that has begun to allow me to express my thoughts, feelings, and stories in deeply personal and expressive ways. Through my writing, I have been able to transcend the limitations of speech and communicate with others on a deeper level. My unique perspective, shaped by my speechless state, imbues my writing with a depth and authenticity that resonates
When “Questions” become the Path, “Answers” become the Destination. - Every person has a very different learning Style. I have always seen and understood life like a Stranger. "Proverbs" have always been Questions for me and have guided me. I have been living every part of Life and Myself as a Question, Due to Which today I have started getting a Deep and Transparent understanding of Life.