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Showing posts from September, 2023

Journey to Inner Peace

 Journey to Inner Peace How did my existence become peaceful? When I understood that my breath also moves with the mercy of life, Then Every step of mine became the guidance of Light. When I raised my eyes and looked towards the Sky, the freedom flowing everywhere made me recognize my existence properly then I started becoming at peace within myself. Description: It sounds like you found peace and contentment through a deeper understanding of life and your connection to it. Your journey toward inner peace appears to be rooted in mindfulness and a sense of interconnectedness. Here's a breakdown of the key points in your reflection: Awareness of Breath : You mentioned that you understood that your breath is a reflection of the mercy of life. This suggests a realization of the vital connection between your existence and the natural world, as well as an appreciation for the simple act of breathing as a source of life. Guidance from Light : You mentioned that every step of yours becam

Living in the Present

Living in the Present  Why am I happy? When I asked myself this question, I understood at that very moment that I had lived my life considering every moment as my last. then an atmosphere of happiness started flowing in me. Description: It's wonderful to hear that you're feeling happy and have discovered a sense of happiness by considering each moment as if it were your last. There are several psychological and philosophical reasons why this mindset can contribute to feelings of happiness: Presence and Mindfulness: When you live in the present moment, you are more likely to be fully engaged with what you are doing. This mindfulness can lead to a sense of contentment and happiness as you appreciate the experiences and people around you. Gratitude: Viewing each moment as potentially your last can encourage gratitude for the people, experiences, and opportunities in your life. Recognizing the value of these things can enhance your overall sense of well-being. Reduced Anxiety: F

Life's Comfort in Rhythm

 Life's Comfort in Rhythm Why is my life Comfortable? Life's Comfort in Rhythm When I heard the sound of my own footsteps walking, I started hearing only the tune in the sound, then I understood a law of nature that 'What is the rule of rhythm?' The tune is always formed there - when the notes are at the right place, then my life has become comfortable. Description: It sounds like you've had a profound realization about the comfort in your life and the concept of rhythm. Let's break down what you're expressing: Sound of Footsteps: You mention that when you hear the sound of your own footsteps, you start to hear a tune in the sound. This could be interpreted as finding beauty or harmony in the everyday experiences and sounds of life. Law of Nature and Rhythm: You mention understanding a law of nature related to rhythm. Rhythm is a fundamental concept in various aspects of life, including music, nature, and even human behavior. When things are in rhythm or

Satisfaction Through Relationships

 Satisfaction Through Relationships Why is My Life Satisfied? When I looked at the World, I immediately recognized that the source of satisfaction is wisdom. Because I have always not treated relationships by name, but have considered them as human beings first, and then have seen relationships by name. Because of this feeling of mine, my life started becoming satisfied. Description: It's wonderful to hear that you've found satisfaction in your life through wisdom and your approach to relationships. Your satisfaction may stem from several factors related to these principles: Wisdom : Wisdom often brings a sense of contentment because it allows you to make better decisions and navigate life's challenges with greater ease. It can provide you with a broader perspective, helping you see the world in a more nuanced and understanding way. Empathy : By treating people as human beings first and foremost, you are likely to approach relationships with empathy and compassion. This

Moments of Stillness

 Moments of Stillness   I like to wake up early when everything around me is Calm and Relaxing! At this time, every discovery of mine is Right and Real, which answers my question, and keeps my life flowing. Every answer comes to me without thought and every experience of mine comes without enthusiasm. Then I understand that I am a deep vibration and a huge Creative force within myself. Description: I find peace and clarity in the early morning hours when the world is calm and relaxing. Many people cherish this time for its serenity and the opportunity it provides for self-reflection and connection with their inner selves. My experience of feeling that every discovery is right and real during this time is likely a result of my mind being less cluttered with the distractions and noise of the day. In the quiet of the early morning, I may find it easier to access my inner wisdom and intuition, leading to a sense of knowing and clarity. The feeling of being a deep vibration and a huge crea

Embracing Openness in Life

 Embracing Openness in Life Openness means keeping your mind and heart open to new experiences, ideas, and relationships. It means working to move beyond familiar boundaries, especially the walls that discriminate against us. When we live openly, we understand that life is constantly providing us with new information and opportunities for Growth, and there is always a flow in our lives. Description: Openness, as described in this statement, is indeed a valuable and admirable trait. Let's break down the key aspects of openness as outlined in this statement: Keeping Your Mind and Heart Open: This means being receptive to new ideas, experiences, and emotions. It involves not closing oneself off from possibilities and remaining open to different perspectives and viewpoints. Moving Beyond Familiar Boundaries: Openness encourages individuals to step out of their comfort zones and explore unfamiliar territory. This can lead to personal growth and a broader understanding of the world. B

Reflective Life Journey

 Reflective Life Journey - That Particle: When I saw myself flying in the deep atmosphere of Freedom; - That Moment: When a thought inspired me to start a new Journey. - That Day: When I performed the ceremony of entering myself into the World; - That Step: When I suggested love to every relationship; - Those Breaths: that become stronger after seeing the beauty of the World and singing the praises of happiness in the heart; - That Awareness was welcoming the Materialistic life with a deep Smile, open Heart, pure Love, and independent existence. A calm storm was flowing from the eyes filled with moisture telling me -  'Go, Go, Go, Stupid, Go, take this beautiful World in your arms. And I was wondering where do I start. My thinking did not give any answer. I started silently observing my thoughts. Time passed, and I grew Old- I did not even realize the moment at which the world and I became One. Description: The passage I've shared seems to be a reflection on various signi

Embrace Autumn Fully

  Embrace Autumn Fully Autumn beautifies me in a wonderful way that every thought of mine starts sprouting Autumn is indeed a season that inspires many with its unique beauty and transformative qualities. The vibrant colors of falling leaves, the crispness in the air, and the sense of change all contribute to a sense of renewal and introspection. It's a time when nature seems to be shedding the old to make way for the new, and this can serve as a metaphor for personal growth and transformation. The changing of seasons often prompts reflection and creativity. Just as the leaves transform and fall to the ground, it's as if my thoughts are shedding their old layers and making way for fresh ideas and perspectives. The cooler weather and shorter days can also encourage a sense of coziness and contemplation, making it an ideal time for introspection and creative thinking. So, if autumn has this wonderful effect on us, embrace it fully. Take long walks in the crisp air, spend time in