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The Laughter ( silence is wakefulness)


I do not remember when the new shape of laugh introduced me to myself. This laughter expresses itself through its giggles. Carousing in a loud voice, it reveals itself in many separate happenings and massages our body, mind, and intellect.
It proceeded, causing tears to come to my eyes, my head to ache, pain in my bones, and granted awareness to the intellect, stability to the mind, longevity to the breaths, depth to my thoughts, and quietness to my existence.

This laughter takes birth in the situation of pain and trouble. However, I do not mean that it brings a smile to my lips when I see a murder taking place! Nor does it mean that a whirlwind or an earthquake made me laugh. No, the echo of my laughter emerged from my deep mental plane. It caused a swerve in my moments and I remained besieged with ignorance.

I was not off my head, but have found that, in this state of ignorance, the caravans of reflections march on. However, the echo of laughter is found even today in the dust, stirred by the caravans. The marks of the experience of laughter are visible in the footfalls of moments.

I came face to face with this laughter eighteen times. I have not forgotten any happening up till now, nor my own state of mind as I went through it.

These unique moments of today make me conversant with this tender state. Therefore, by introducing you to two or three occurrences, I wish to convey the secret of my laughter.

“Life is an invaluable journey in which nothing is irrelevant or superfluous.”

I lived in a joint family, so it is needless to describe any incidents. We proceed directly to the field of occurrence; for
our cow was pregnant and my grand uncle’s joy knew no bounds. There would be milk and butter in the house and the children would enjoy them.

I, also, stood there listening to others. Suddenly I spoke out, “Enjoy yourself only when the happy moment comes.”

Even today, I feel I detected in their apparent joy the hollowness of pain. As God willed, the next morning a snake bit the cow in the tongue when she was grazing. The cow died. The whole family was lost in gloom and so was I. When the senior uncle came home and made his appearance I broke into a laughter without making any sound. When the laughter turned into a smile I rushed to the field and paused at a tube well at a short distance in order to get rid of my lava-like laughter. I kept laughing for one full hour before I regained my normal state. Then I got rid of my laugh. The massage of this laughter moistened my eyes, caused a headache which then subsided.

Then sadness gave my laughter a queer shape. What was the message of this laughter, I did not know. I only knew that the laughter had brought pain along with ridicule.

In the same way—

Nearly four or five months after I arrived in Canada from India, Darshi's(husband) Uncle, also, came for a visit. At the airport, for his entry, the Immigration Department charged four thousand dollars as security and allowed him a visa for six months. Darshi’s father and mother paid this amount and at the same time lost their sleep.
Along with the uncle, they also brought with them a pail full of worry, doubt, and suspicion. They feared they might lose the money; they could not have even sleep. Their staggering plight sowed in me seeds of laughter. I felt the appearance of light, flickering laughter. I observed reticence, but seeing my parents in doubt and suspense, the seeds of laughter began to sprout up. I would some time enter the room and pour out my feelings through laughter. At times, I would go out into the fields and sow in them the seeds of laughter. However, their restless and worried state maintained my laughing mood.
After two months, our uncle was caught red-handed plucking apples. Now the money was lost. That day the laughter that overcame me simply left me amazed. I rushed into the bathroom. There water cleansed my body and laughter cleansed my mind.
On the third occasion, I had a similar laughter at the Charnel. When the people were weeping, I was laughing within; why? Yes, why so? Was I mad, foolish, or ignorant? There is only one occasion which really brings tears to my eyes and my heart bleeds. When someone takes the life of another, when despite full knowledge and consciousness, he robs another person; when he proves himself low of thought—laughter at such times have always caused me pain.
Nevertheless, this laughter has some reason which I could never make out. Today, when my life is passing through the intellectual state, the incidents at the emotional plane, also, slip out of the basket of reminiscences and the colour and shape of every materialist longing become ready to disclose its identity. This is the finest meeting of the three fields, which, by introducing us to the limits and bounds, leads to the understanding of the vast, infinite field. The field which opens the account-books of countless deeds that dig out the truth-besmeared with the dust of impressions and which throws it into the court of life. Then life, observing its own purity and beauty, pronounces its verdicts. It tries to determine its own standing in the existing situation as well as its achievements.
I laughed—laughed hilariously—but why?
It is a very beautiful and matchless riddle that my life ultimately resolved.
First: I did not laugh; laughter came involuntarily. It occurred as an event. Had I laughed of my own accord, there would have been a reason behind; in that case, I could not regard myself as ignorant. For when the cause is present, effect can be produced. Event does not occur—the doing consciousness is the consciousness of arrogance and none considers himself to be haughty and arrogant.
A man trampled underfoot on all sides cannot express himself in a haughty language nor do arrogant deeds.
My laughter was a summary statement of our uncle’s mode of expression—a laughter betraying the dilapidation of my hauteur which my subtle being had apprehended and the same subtle insight had detected and anticipated the absence of the cow in the coming moments.
The consciousness of that moment is still alive and fresh in my mind; for too deep colour of experience never goes on washing from the sheet of life! I remember those moments in which I felt happy and calm. I would remain in quest of those moments; they lay scattered in deep, hidden surrounding—for example, when I saw the thick shadow of someone’s virtues and vices or the deep state of someone’s beautiful or ugly environment, I felt stillness within. I mentioned this fact to my family doctor, but these moments ever stood before me in an unintelligible state. Today’s time is only an addition to those moments of stillness and seeks companionship with the life fenced by beauty.
In this context of intellect I see my parents’ impatience and unrest, caused by the loss of money for which they could not even sleep. The same worry disturbed the peace of other relatives. They were not poor and could bear this loss. But not only was the money gone, they had also lost their relationship and had endured trouble and strain in the bargain.
How they convulse for money,
Rather than for relationship!
How life undergoes pains, strains, and burns in the heat of moments, only led by avarice! They did not feel any pain for poor uncle, only felt the loss of money. Their words, formally uttered to maintain their relationship, became the butt of my ridicule. Their wastage of life for the sake of money was the cause of my mockery. I felt how we sustain a double-loss for the sake of money.
Though my thumping my head and boisterous laughter were furtive and unnoticed, the state of mind that I had then, owing to those considerations, persists even now.
In every being revolve and twinkle the stars of feelings and desires, which, on being scattered amidst the countless breaking and dilapidating events in the firmament of our life, become our guides in the journey of life with the coolness of their experience. Still, my being, lost in profound slumber, feels the sweet stimulation of meditation. The awareness of this state booms fast through moments in search of a suitable environment.
Thus several such events occurred in my life ultimately leading to this result: that, though I was a young girl of three or four, I had sexual inclinations. In other words, Shaheer was a symbol of lewdness. This not only stunned me, but also stunned my environment. Nevertheless, slowly and slowly this stillness had a touch of fun and laughter; and a few days later that laughter turned into a giggle and began to massage me. I would laugh and laugh until I was exhausted. The laugh also contained a feeling which I never heeded. My transit flowed through feelings only. However, when some occurrence attempts to snatch life itself, the latter gives an alarm.
“A foolish person while speaking utters such nonsensical words that he does not realize what effect they will have on the listener. He pushes others into a deep abyss in order to justify himself—where no one but a life is murdered.”
When a life is going to be murdered but the cataract of laughter starts flowing, life becomes bold stating that the socially weak person who fails to face his own weaknesses uses one weapon—he begins to denigrate his opponents. This weak understanding of the individual and the society gives birth to laughter.
This laughter, born of a painful situation, rids us of avarice and attachment; it also liberates life from uncouth and unpalatable characters, and along with that, secures our release from the painful memories of the past. This liberation takes birth at night; however, I had no idea of that.
~This laughter was not the result of ignorance which was buying another loss to make amends for one loss. This laughter was in response to that hauteur which was endeavouring to prove itself the creator. This laughter always mocked my ignorance, when it felt that I was ignorant of my own liking or desire.
~This laughter—constantly making fun of my ignorance—bestowed upon me wisdom or under-standing.
~This laughter—constantly finding me suffering losses—exempted me from all harm.
~This laughter—at the sight of humans craving and convulsing for happiness and comfort—worked for my release from longings.
~This laughter—by giving me the understanding of fake garments—made me cognisant of the garments of Truth.
This laughter was a puff which blew away after giving me the idea of the depth as well as the zenith of life and which, converting the colour of past experience into a giggling laughter and lending my being the consciousness of the ecstatic delight of a free life, made me well-satiated, contented, and perfect.


Life is God experiencing Self

Thank you to Nature for the feelings she gave me,  the trees, mountains,  her many lakes and oceans,  for the sun sets of color,  the clouds that dance in the sky,  for everything she gives wanting nothing  but love in return!!! Thanks You to The world:  For all the good and bad people  I have encountered along the road,  for the lessons you taught me, even if they where bad,  it was still a good lesson to be learned  and for this I thank you... Blessings!!!

I experience myself as the conscious

'There is no "I" but I.' 'Then is there no "you" but you?' 'I, always I,' 'Gives me to think, I will meditate upon it.' 'Do nothing of the kind!'  'To "meditate" means using split-mind:  just look from within and see  - see  that so it Is!  Stop splitting and stay Whole!' Whatever we may be, we are being 'lived'.  We are not traveling, as we think:  we are being 'travelled'.

What a Spring in my life!

When I am absent there is no Time,  and it is always the present   Today: I will walk through the day with spring in my step,  a smile in my body  and  I will have nothing to say about my healthy life,  wow!  I will enjoy the aroma of nature,  and  the flowering from the inside of me  to the outside of me! Will we go through our day today smiling?

Everything is related to everything else ( We are one )

I will enjoy the travels of my free spirit  and the amazing journeys within my Feelings.  I will wake up fresh,  clear and ready to journey  through the seconds of my life  in my well rested physical body!!!  It always amazes me  how I am all one Mentally,  physically,  emotionally  and spiritually  when I awaken!  Wow!  What a beautiful Journey  and  its Beauty

It is amazing how Infinite we are

When I wake up early and go for a walk early  enough to see the sunrise,  if I keep still and watch for a few minutes  I can actually enter in the moment of this movement.  In all my experience,  I become just Energetic aware that I am here,  standing at this special moment on the surface of this special spot;  and  this spot is going, going for away toward the stars  but very close to me,  then  galaxy, more stars,  more wonderful  - unique and amazing colors  then more universe, more and more billions miles away,  like before Jesus- before birth of this planet,  but close, more close, In me -  in myself.  And  this very moment experiencing the whole universe along with me,  in me  while I feel I am infinite  and  I am beyond the universe

Spend life with who makes you happy ( The real artist ) I will prepare and one day I have a chance...  because of my 'Strong -Courage'  and  'Aroma of my Trust'...  Because my life knows that Courage  and  Trust is the commitment to begin  without any guarantee of success BLESSINGS!!! Every morning we are born again: Every time Shaheer wake up a new her arrives with the new moment This moment: 'She is different than she was yesterday' The time is new because of her feeling, The day is new because of her thinking, The moment is new because of her experience and She is new because of this whole life. Every moment she change, her world changes and she is reborn into what she choose to be in this moment. She is creating her moments today with new clarity, new thought and new meaning.

God is the Source of the intelligent universe Here, Where all of us exist, Here- right Here, where the two dimensions meet. Natural and spiritual. These dimensions are one. This is pure- real and the holy way... Lets go together for this wonderful and shrine pilgrimage...# 1 * Understanding comes when we, you and I, meet on the same level at the same time. Here, Where all of us exist, Here- right Here, where the two dimensions meet. Natural and spiritual. These dimensions are one. This is pure- real and the holy way... Lets go together for this wonderful and shrine pilgrimage...# 2 When love starts with me, and is given to me freely by me, it sure is easy to remember that it is me that is making memories for me. Life is for living, learning and making memories to create a good day, moment by wonderful moment! * Our thirst is Our guru My preceptor is my thirst, my life, my holy and ascetic practices, and my circumstances. However, the

Ceremony (Who are you)

The Gift: Life is a ceremony where we are here as friends and families to celebrate this occasion. Today’s accelerated moments which we gain from our advance technology has enabled us to travel through the universe, and strengthens our thirst of life.    I am fortunate enough to see and meet you all. The uniqueness of this celebration is that we ourselves are hosts and guests, So today we are meeting, with wishes of peace and happiness.  In this ceremony of life, my heart wished to present a gift. The gift should be of something which can bring hope of a happy life.    With     the grace of God, a pure thought was born which I am gifting today.   A new, unique and virgin view of point, with which we will encounter life.  Wise have said, “If our first step is placed with understanding then our destination becomes easier, and also our path, pleasant.” Paint your own portrait, then you will realize.How difficult it is, to give yourself any face This line

Enjoy the beauty of a silence. (purity )

O, My Naughty Shaheer! First, I see you. You are always in My sight. And then I guide you lightly. Sometimes strongly. I hold a sword of love, and with this sword, I vanquish all ills that never belonged in your heart in the first place. I vanquish ill will. I vanquish all that which is opposed to love. Beloveds, in My Presence, what can you do but love? What barrier to love can exist when you are surrounded by My love, and you sink into My love. You float on a raft o f My love. Where else would you want to be? Where else is there for you to be? There is nowhere else but right here right now with Me. Do not bow. Jump instead. God is with you. This is an occasion for joy. Be joy then and forevermore, for I am always with you, and you are always with Me. Oneness is Our lot! Oneness is Our fortune. Oneness is Our Reality. It is the only Reality that is. You and I are One Experience!!! Always Your from Heart, The Sprightliness